Saturday 12 March 2011

Pictures and the words they tell and don't tell.. My Values


So, they say a picture can tell a thousand words and whilst I hope this is true and that you are able to decipher something from me and my values from the array of purple posters around campus, I want to write a little baout what each of them mean, and what I mean!

I will look at the ideas in the context of the three bullet points on the poster:
-Guild representing all across campus
-Campaigning central
-Keeping Wednesday afternoons free

as well as looking at the others aspects that form part of my vision for our Guild.

    I believe in a student body that is united. I believe in a Guild that is united and is at the core of uniting and bringing students together. I would want by door open to students anytime and specific open office hours for students so that they are not scared to approach us. But, this must not be the only means by which students' views are relayed back to those there to represent them. There has to be more face to face with students.  The Guild and power and unity of a students' union is not about the building it is about the presence across campus so people feel part of something.
 Im an advocate for extra curricualr activities and involvement withinn societies as it has utterly enrinched my uni life and I want the same for others. But, if you make the informed descion not to be involved that should be repsected. This does not mean that you don't still deserve and need to be represented. You still have a say. I want students to be as informed as possible as to what options there are for them and then for there to still be communication.
 I would want open forums across campus and lecture shout outs, for example, about coming and talking and expressing your views..

ALL students deserve to be represented and valued.


Passion. Here liess a lot of mine. I want the guild to be a place in which campaigning is at its centre. The power and potential of the student body is inspiring and we should took much greater advantage of this within our Guild. I would keep up-to-date with campaigns that are happenig locally, nationally and interantionall and ensure that the Guild is at the forefront using all those people who want to be part of the change. I want it to be inherent and create the climate in which we are a union that stands up and with those fighting for change. I want people to be able to come forward and I will harness those and make things happen in our union, with our student body. Annual events such as Red Nose Day should be bigger and better and an inherent part of the organisation. I believe in this so much because as I said it is so easy to do within student communities and engages so many people, especially when they are fun and accessible to all. This is why I would want colloboration between affecting change societies so they can work together on similar goals and aims. The more the merrier is certainly the attitude and one which helps create a united student body across campus. Likewise, I think there should be an easier communication process for all societies so working in the Guild is much easier and the untiy is stronger.


I included this since I think it is an example of where more people can be engaged with Guild life as well as giving structure to the Guild. Most have Wednesday afternoons free because sports fixtures are played then. I think this is a perfect opportunity therefore to have things happening in the Guild or something that we as a union organise or support for all those not involved in sport or want to try something different. These things could include quizzes in the bar, karoke, film showings, offers on food as specials for then, outreach organised volunteering options. It is a great opportunity to create a structure where people know that if they don't have other plans 'they can pop into the Guild'. This could be a time when plans are shared for those wanting to develop projects. I want their to be as much interaction as possible between students and their officers with direct, personal contact.

Now, this is not the end of my vision by any means. In fact, it is only the beginning- oh yes!

One thing I'd like to say here is that I have ideas, beliefs and thoughts of how things can be improved both in regards to the university and the Guild yet one thing I stand by is that I am not there to be a dictator. This is about YOU. I can't say I know all the problems that affect you but I can promise to listen to you share them and to fight for you to make your voice heard and to make things change for the better! I want to work for you as much as with you. My energy will be from the motivation I have from representing you.

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